
how to become a congressman

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If you feel strongly about a particular issue, or just want to make a general difference, you may want to become a congressperson. The road to running for congress is long and difficult. You will have to establish basic credentials, such as a decent education, early on in your career. Start off getting involved with politics locally. A strong local following can help get you on the ballot. From there, run a great campaign that will get you into office.

  1. 1

    Make sure you qualify for the House or Senate. To be a congressperson, you can either run for the House of Representatives or the Senate. There are certain basic qualifications you must meet for both, including age qualifications. Make sure you meet those before you attempt to run.

    • To run for the House of Representatives, you must be at least 25 years old. You must have been a United States citizen for at least seven years. You must also be a resident of the state and district you're representing at the time you file your petition.
    • To run for Senate, you must be at least 30 years old. You must have been a citizen for at least nine years. You must also live in the state you want to represent in the Senate.
  2. 2

    Follow the right educational path. The majority of United States congresspeople have at least a bachelor's degree. Many others have higher degrees in fields like law and business. When exploring your career path, think about different routes you could take that would eventually lead to a career in politics.

    • Many senators and congresspeople have degrees in business and law. It may be worth it to get a law degree (Commonly known as the Juris Doctor Degree) or MBA in addition to a bachelor's degree in business or pre-law. You can also try broader degrees, like political science, philosophy, and business, and then pursue a law degree. A few years of experience as a lawyer or businessperson may help with a political career. This is not required to run for Congress, however, it is very recommended to help you gain experience in the related field.
    • However, not every congressperson pursues a business or law before politics. You can pursue a political career straight out of college. Think about pursuing a degree like a political science degree, or a degree in something like public policy or international relations, and launching your career from there.
  3. 3

    Gain early experience. You want to get the proper skills for a career in politics. Things like leadership, public speaking, and fundraising are key. It can be hard to land a politically-related job right out of high school or college. However, there are many ways you can get early experience to help your resume down the road.[1]

    • Volunteer. Volunteering is easy to do and can help you gain much of the necessary experience to be a congressperson. You can, for example, volunteer for a local political party. Try to help out with things like fundraising or community organizing. You can also take on a leadership role in the organization.
    • Look into working for local charities. Whether it's volunteering or taking a part time paid position, charity work can be great for a political resume. It usually involves things like fundraising and interacting with the public.
    • Seek out internship experience while you're still in school. Experience interning for a local political party can look great on your resume.
  4. 4

    Get involved in your local community. In politics, it's often who you know that matters when it comes to career success. Making small connections with your local community can pay off down the road. Also, community involvement helps teach you skills you can use later in your political career.[2]

    • Get involved with organizations that are personally meaningful to you. Every congressperson runs on a particular platform, and you will want to show early commitment to that platform.
    • For example, if religion is important to you, take a leadership position in your church. Join the vestry. If education is important to you, see if you can find a position on the local school board or PTA.
  1. 1

    Work in politics locally. Most successful Congresspeople started out serving their local community. Before attempting to run for a national office, look for ways to become a leader in your local political arena.[3]

    • You can try taking on a leadership position in a local political party. For example, volunteer to become the treasurer for your local Republican party.
    • You can also run for a local office. Requirements will vary from state-to-state, and between specific counties, so you'll have to check with a local courthouse. However, running for, say, the local city council could help you become established in politics.
    • Simply volunteering is also key. Often, you can get your foot in the door with local politics just by being a loyal volunteer. During election seasons, for example, offer to help with fundraising or to make phone calls.
  2. 2

    Pick a political party early on. Having party support can help you get elected. Most people elected to Congress are either Democrat or Republican, although you can also try for a third party position. Early on, decide which party to align with. Pick a party that lines up with your personal values and belief systems and that supports candidates with views similar to yours. Deciding on your party early on and sticking with it can help you become a congressperson.

    • Review the policies of major political parties in the United States. Pay attention to how Democrats and Republicans tend to vote on big issues like healthcare, the environment, and education. See which side best represents your opinions and perspective.
    • While most people in Congress are Democrat or Republican, you do not have to choose a major party if you don't agree with either platform. You can examine the views of alternative parties, such as the Green Party or the Libertarian Party.
  3. 3

    Network with likeminded people. Politics is mostly about who you know, so networking is key. Make sure to reach out to people with similar view to yours if you want to get elected. Stay involved locally and always talk to everyone you can during social events.

    • Attend things like rallies and fundraisers and talk to people in your community. You should also talk to people in positions of power, such as chairs of local grassroots organizations or branches of a political party. Get contact information, such as email, so you can get in touch down the road when you need support for your campaign.
    • Staying involved in the local political circuit also helps you make connections. Maintaining longstanding leadership or volunteer positions in a local political party is a great way to secure the connections necessary to succeed.
  4. 4

    Seek out entry-level political jobs. When you begin to feel more established, you may want to seek a job specifically related to politics. You will need to put all political experience, such as volunteer and leadership positions, on a resume and begin applying to positions that will help immerse you in the political world.[4]

    • Look for assistant positions, such as staff and legislative assistants. You will help with specific political committees and campaigns. While a lot of your work is basic administrative work, you will also have to talk to people like lobbyists and members of Congress. This can help you make connections and get a feel for the political world.
    • Try to work for a congressperson as a chief of staff. You will essentially be an assistant to an actual member of congress. You may have to work other positions for years before securing this one, but it's an invaluable way to gain firsthand political experience.
  1. 1

    Review requirements in your state. Every state has different requirements regarding how to get on the ballot to run for Congress. Some states require a fee, others require a set number of signatures, and some states require both. Review your state's government website carefully to make sure you know how to get on the ballot.[5]

  2. 2

    Register with the right party. Different states have different ways of registering with a certain political party. In some states, you may register when you sign up to vote. You will have to visit your state's government website or visit a local courthouse to learn precise requirements in your state. It's important to register with the right party, because party support is vital for a successful campaign.[6]

    • You have to register with the right party no later than the first business day of January of an election year. Keep this in mind to make sure you register in time.
  3. 3

    Collect signatures. If your state requires you to select signatures, do so. The amount of signatures you need to get on the ballot varies by state. In Florida, for example, you need at least 112,174 to get on the ballot for the House of Representatives.[7]

    • When collecting signatures, this is a time to return to your network. Talk to people you worked with locally and past contacts from jobs. Remember, people will not sign your petition unless they want you on the ballot.
    • Have your local party support you. If you're, say, running as a Democrat, have members of your local Democratic party volunteer to collect signatures for you.
    • Begin forming a group of volunteers, contacting people you know. You should also send out mass e-mails to members of your party, outlining your platforms and idea. Ask for them to sign your petition and seek signatures from others.
  4. 4

    Pay a registration fee. Some states require you to pay a registration fee in addition to or instead of signatures. If you need to pay a registration fee, make sure you pay it before the deadline. Fees can be very expensive. In South Carolina, for example, the filing fee to run for Senate is $10,440. You may have to take donations.[8]

    • If donations are necessary, you should return to your base. You can ask local political parties to help raise money for you. You can also set up something like a GoFundMe page to raise the money.
  5. 5

    Fill out the necessary forms. Paperwork is part of the process of running for Congress. Forms can be found on your state government's website. First, you need to fill out an Affidavit or Certificate of Candidacy, which is a form verifying you meet the basic qualifications to run. As you proceed with your campaign, there will be other forms.[9]

    • A Statement of Organization Form must be submitted after you've earned a certain amount of money via contributions, usually $2,000, or 10 days after becoming a candidate. This form usually requires basic information, such as your name, e-mail, and so on.[10]
    • As your campaign goes on, you need to fill out the Campaign Finance Disclosure form. This form highlights how you're spending money on your campaign.
  1. 1

    Hire a solid staff. To start off, you want the right staff. Hire likeminded, passionate people with experience to help you get into Congress. You will need to fill three basic positions: a fundraiser, a treasurer, and a campaign manager.[11]

    • A treasurer manages campaign finances. You should hire a professional who has experience handling and tracking money. A professional accountant is your best option, especially for a large campaign.
    • A fundraiser is responsible for raising money for your campaign. They must also make sure you are able to fundraise effectively at events and focus on how to best present yourself to the people to gain donations. Pick someone who knows you well for this position. In this case, it's okay to hire someone like a family member or spouse.
    • The campaign manager runs your campaign alongside you. While you are busy with public appearances and fundraising, your campaign manager handles campaign problems and looks for opportunities. Hire a campaign manager with a vast amount of political experience and whose vision aligns with yours.
  2. 2

    Find a niche. You want to stand out from other candidates while you run. It's important to find a nice in your state or community. Ask yourself what's missing and how you can fill that role.[12]

    • For example, if you're running in a state facing economic turmoil, try to appeal to the working class. Offer concrete ways to create more jobs and protect worker's rights.
  3. 3

    Fundraise effectively. Campaigns need money to run effectively. Name recognition requires financing things like commercials and other advertisements, all of which cost money. Learning effective fundraising is vital to becoming a congressperson.[13]

    • Focus on the issues before asking for money. At charity events or fundraisers, people who attend already respect and support you. Talk to them about your plans to make the country a better place, reminding them why you're their candidate. Only ask for money after making your campaign plans clear.
    • Encourage your campaign fundraiser to get as many volunteers to fundraise as possible. A strong group of volunteers making phone calls asking for donations can help you raise the money necessary to win.
  4. 4

    Communicate your platform via a variety of outlets. You want to make sure voters know who they're electing and why. Make sure you set up a variety of platforms where voters can read up on you. You should run ads on the radio and television, and make sure you have a solid online presence. A website and social media pages are important.[14]

    • Make sure you have a website that's easy to read. If it's within your budget, it's worth it to hire staff to build your web presence. You should also be on social media. Having things like Facebook and Twitter can help your campaign grow. You can communicate about your platform with voters in a more direct manner.
    • You should also allocate some of your budget to signs and banners. Name recognition also makes a big difference in a campaign, so make sure your supporters have things like signs, bumper stickers, and banners out supporting your candidacy.
  5. 5

    Make speeches. You should make a variety of speeches throughout your campaign. Speak at places where you're likely to find supporters and make sure you cater your speeches to a specific audience. Your campaign manager should assist you in scheduling and writing your speeches.[15]

    • Know the issues that matter to the group in question. If you're speaking to teachers, for example, talk about issues related to education, such as funding for public schools.
    • If you're going into a debate, prepare carefully. Know your opponent's stances in depth and be prepared to defend your positions as necessary.
  6. 6

    Accept setbacks. You may not win on your first run for Congress, especially if you're just getting into the political game. However, accept this with stride. Give a respectful concession speech and thank your base for support. If you step down gracefully after running a strong campaign, voters may be willing to elect you in the next election cycle.[16]

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    How many terms can a Congressman serve?

    Community Answer

    As many as they want. Some congressmen spend their entire careers getting reelected.

  • Question

    Do I have to be 25 at the time of campaigning or at the time of election?

    Community Answer

    At the time of the election. You have to be 25 when you are sworn in, so as long as you are 25 when you're elected, then you're fine.

  • Question

    What would I have to study to get into Congress?


    There is no actual requirement, but degrees in law and political science are very highly recommended.

  • Question

    Does a representative represent his whole state or just the district in which he was elected?

    Community Answer

    Representatives only represent the district. Senators represent the entire state.

  • Question

    Does a US representative represent the entire state or just his district?

    Community Answer

    Just his district. Each representative is supposed to take the interests of their district into mind when voting on bills. A senator, on the other hand, represents the whole state.

  • Question

    Who governs Congress?

    Community Answer

    The Speaker of the House, who is a congressman or congresswoman who is from the majority party, and is elected by his/her fellow congressmen.

  • Question

    Can I be a convicted felon and still run for Congress and Senate?

    Community Answer

    Yes, they can, as states cannot add any more restrictions to the ones already in place.

  • Question

    What kind of college education do I need to become a congressperson?

    Community Answer

    There is no actual requirement, but degrees in law and political science are very highly recommended.

  • Question

    Can I run for Congress if I'm from a foreign country?

    Community Answer

    Yes, but you have to be a US citizen for 7 years first to be a representative and 9 years to become a Congressperson.

  • Question

    How much does a Congressmen get paid?

    Community Answer

    The amount is not often disclosed, so people do not know.

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  • Be willing to commit an enormous amount of time to your campaign efforts.

  • Become or remain active in your local community. Let people know that you are seeking election and why.

  • Send letters to local newspapers expressing views on recent local and national events. Schedule interviews with reporters from TV, newspapers and magazine.

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Article SummaryX

If you want to become a congressperson while you're young, consider running for the House of Representatives. To qualify for the House, you must be at least 25 years old, and must have been a US citizen and resident of your state for at least 7 years. If you qualify, follow your state's rules and collect as many signatures or pay as much money as they require to get on the ballot. You can ask your local political party for help meeting those requirements. Keep reading to learn how to run your campaign and how to become a Senator!

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how to become a congressman


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